Hello bloggers!
First thing's first I am sooooo sorry for not posting these past few days. I've been uber busy at school and to be honest- life is hectic, plus we've had snow! Only for one day but ho- hey, still counts, and as you may know, whether it's a centimetre or a foot- we treat it just the same.
So, me and my family indulged in a little festive treat yesterday evening. I got the train up to London and met my dad, and we then went on to meet my auntie, uncle and cousin. Soon enough we were whisked away by the diverse flurry that is London at peak hour, to the Palace Theatre, where we took our seats and prepared to be dazzled by "A Christmas Carol". Yep, that's right. London, night time, Christmas show- I am living the life!
And, it was wonderful! I must admit- I had my speculations, I wasn't really expecting much. But it blew me away: so festively seasonal, inspirational and uplifting. I loved every minute.
And, it was wonderful! I must admit- I had my speculations, I wasn't really expecting much. But it blew me away: so festively seasonal, inspirational and uplifting. I loved every minute.
The gloomy and unwinding story of Scrooge drew my right in and absorbed me into the backdrop of grimy Dickensian London. It did just that- unwound, into a gloriously delicious tale of love and spirit.
Tears sparkled in the eyes of everyone as Tiny Tim was held high above our heads and announced his famous declarative: "God bless us, everyone".
I would highly recommend this production- it was truly fantastic and really bought home the true meaning of Christmas. The fact that behind the sparkle, behind the ribbon and paper, behind the trimmings- it's love, really..
I would highly recommend this production- it was truly fantastic and really bought home the true meaning of Christmas. The fact that behind the sparkle, behind the ribbon and paper, behind the trimmings- it's love, really..
Thank you so much! I've just had a look at your blog and it's lovely- you have such great style and now you have a new follower :)!