Monday, 26 November 2012

saving my day...

When it's 2 o' clock in the morning and you find yourself desperately unable to sleep- you know one thing is for sure, tomorrow will not be a good day. Last night, this was me. I wasn't quite sure what had triggered it; perhaps it was the scary TV programme I had watched, maybe those biscuits hadn't helped, one sheep, two sheep, three sheep....
And alas, this morning I woke to find myself with attractive black bags under my eyes that were less than Fendis, and a scary Worzel Gummidge meets Hermione Granger hair do, that would do Ronald McDonald justice. Waheey!
So, while taming the mane and slapping my face on, I took time to ponder just what could go wrong today, little did I know that the answer was just about totally and completely everything...
I know I'm over reacting, I know that there are people out there who have to lead a much worse life than I have or ever will, but we all get the feeling. You know the one, the "why is it always me"*sigh feeling. I hope you can find consolation in the fact that if something trivially 'bad' happens to you, it's most likely happened to me too...
Call me a swot, but the first thing to go wrong and set off the day to end all days was, in a word, biology. My controlled assessment, worth 25% of my grade, went completely wrong and cannot be fixed. Next, my dance teacher refused to hear me out about my solo-stage fright, and insisted I still perform at my dance show this week- alone, (cue sad violin music). Worst of all was probably the fact that a girl Ive known for a few years now has suddenly decided she doesn't like me, and has rather willingly taken it upon herself to made my few remaining months a misery. Bitch.
Then I had an argument with my mum. Bless her. I know she means well, I'm just a stroppy teenager who doesn't like to take advice. If you're reading- sorry mum.
But saving my day? Saving my day, you wonder?
As always, a cuppa tea, biscuits (gulp, fingers crossed) and an episode of ever hilarious Some Girls.
night all x

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